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- February 10, 1986HAITIBad Times for Baby Doc
- As violent protests grow, a besieged dictator imposes martial
- law
- Like a hurricane born in the Caribbean and gathering momentum
- as it pushes northward, word spread last week that Jean-Claude
- Duvalier, 34, Haiti's President-for-Life, had fled his country.
- The reports said that Duvalier, who is known as "Baby Doc," and
- members of his family had gone into exile rather than face
- vengeance at the hands of a burgeoning populist movement against
- him. On Friday, in response to growing unrest throughout Haiti,
- Duvalier imposed a state of siege. Hours later White House
- Spokesman Larry Speakes made the dramatic announcement to
- reporters traveling with President Reagan aboard Air Force One
- that the Haitian government had fallen and Duvalier had left
- Haiti.
- Yet within hours, to the vast embarassment of the Reagan
- Administration, the pudgy dictator appeared in the capital,
- Port-au-Prince, like a spirit conjured up by practitioners of
- voodoo, Haiti's folk religion. Baby Doc cruised throug the
- streets in a BMW, surrounded by a bevy of armed outriders. In
- a radio broadcast to the country, he used an old Creole saying
- to brag, "I am here, strong and firm as a monkey's tail."
- Haiti's crisis last week centered on a family that has used
- terror and corruption for 28 years to grow wealthy by imposing
- its will on the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. For
- the first time in Baby Doc's reign, spontaneous demonstrations
- throughout the country brought misery-ridden Haiti close to open
- revolt. Rioters controlled many parts of the countryside, and
- the government was firmly in control of only the capital.
- The demonstrations against Jean-Claude Duvalier stood in stark
- contrast to the events of Jan. 22, 1971, when then
- President-for-Life Francois ("Papa Doc") Duvalier decreed that
- his 19-year-old son, quickly nicknamed Baby Doc, would succeed
- him. The elder Duvalier died three months later, leaving a
- legacy of brutality and fear on which he had built a
- dictatorship after his election in 1957.
- At first it appeared that Jean-Claude might be a more
- enlightened despot. He promised an end to repression and an
- economic revolution. But he actually made few real
- improvements. True, political opponents were no longer executed
- as often as they had been under Papa Doc, but the son imitated
- the father in using the army and the secret police, the dreaded
- Tonton Macoute (a term for bogeyman in Haiti's Creole dialect)
- to brutalize the population.
- The second-generation Duvalier flaunted an opulent life-style
- in the midst of incredible poverty. The President, who is fond
- of yachts and sports cars, did not forgo either pleasure when
- a critical shortage of foreign currency last year left the
- country almost without fuel. His most costly indulgence may
- have been his 1980 marriage to Michele Bennett, 34, a Haitian
- divorcee who once worked in New York City as a secretary. Their
- wedding was Haiti's social event of the decade. The price tag:
- $3 million. Fireworks alone cost $100,000.
- Michele Duvalier at first endeared herself to the population by
- distributing clothes and food to the needy and opening several
- medical clinics, but her avarice quickly outpaced her
- husband's. Today she is one of the world's richest women. On
- shopping spress to the U.S. and Europe, she has acquired an
- array of furs hardly appropriate to Haiti's steamy climate.
- Late last year, in the middle of an economic crisis, she flew
- to Paris to buy designer clothes, jewelry and works of art.
- Government officials fear the First Lady because her power
- rivals, or perhaps exceeds, her husband's. While Jean-Claude
- sometimes dozes through Cabinet meetings, his wife scolds
- ministers. The birth of her son, Francois Nicolas, in 1983
- provided an heir apparent to the Duvalier fiefdom.
- At the same time that the Duvaliers have been salting away
- millions of dollars in foreign banks and squandering millions
- more, the vast majority of Haitians live in deep poverty. Eight
- out of ten people are illiterate. Most earn less than $150 a
- year, although the official per capita figure is about $280.
- The tropical farmland produces coffee and mangoes for export,
- but the country is plagued by widespread the country is plagued
- by widespread hunger. Its once thriving hardwood forests have
- been chopped down for fuel.
- Given that yawning gap between haves and have-nots, political
- ferment was inevitable. The U.S., which provided $54 million
- in aid to Haiti in 1985, warned Duvalier that future payments
- would be jeopardized unless he improved the country's human
- rights record.
- The regime's reply was a nationwide referendum last July 22.
- Truckloads of illiterate Haitians were driven from one polling
- place to another to vote oui a dozen times or more. The
- official results: 99.98% reaffirmed Baby Doc as
- President-for-Life.
- Young opponents of the regime, outraged by the sham referendum,
- started organizing nonviolent protests that tapped a wellspring
- or discontent. When three students were killed Nov. 28 during
- an antigovernment-protest in Gonaives, demonstrations followed
- in a dozen cities and towns. Last month an army captain and two
- members of the Tonton Macoute were charged with the murders.
- The government in recent months has tried to intimidate the
- Roman Catholic Church, which has become a center of dissent.
- Some 80% of Haitians are nominally Catholic, and the clergy has
- spoken out more since the 1983 visit of Pope John Paul II, who
- criticized the Duvalier regime and assured the downtrodden
- population "I am with you." One day after the July referendum,
- a 78-year-old Belgian-born priest was beaten to death by thugs.
- Three other priests, including the director of the Catholic-run
- radio statio Radio Soleil, wee expelled from the country in
- July.
- Last week's unrest begain in church. Sunday's evening Mass at
- the old Cathedral of Cap Haitien had just concluded when a lone
- voice in the congregation bellowed out, "Abas [Down with]
- Duvalier!" With startling vigor, the cry was taken up by other
- worshipers, and the chanting demand for Duvalier's ouster
- quickly became the catalyst for a short-lived demonstration on
- the steps of the church.
- Within minutes, army troops from a nearby barracks descended on
- the crowd. The soldiers fired rifles into the air, rained down
- blows with hardwood clubs, and barged into the cathedral in
- search of the instigators. As word of the brutal military
- response spread, thousands of demonstrators roamed through the
- historic town. The following day the Tonton Macoute showed it
- had learned nothing from the November killing of the Gonaives
- students. At a demonstration by several thousand people outside
- the Cap Haitien Cathedral, militiamen fired wildly into the
- crowd, killing three people and wounding 30.
- On Wednesday the Cap Haitien warehouse of CARE, the U.S.-based
- relief organization was stormed and looted by slum dwellers.
- They trampled three people to death, then fought over canisters
- of cooking oil and 100-lb. sacks of grain.
- Almost hour by hour, the swells of revolt kept growing. Nearly
- half the 60,000 inhabitants of Cap Haitien marched peacefully
- through the streets Wednesday afternoon, calling on the army to
- stage a coup d'etat and take power. There were also appeals for
- a general strike to begin Feb. 12. Such a sustained work
- stoppage would probably cripple the moribund Haitian economy,
- which gets much of its foreign currency from tourism.
- By Thursday the chant "Down with Duvalier!" was echoing across
- the country. Said one resident of Cap Haitien: "No one is
- afraid anymore. Duvalier must go." In Gonaives, thousands of
- protesters blocked the streets with barricades and burning
- tires. When the local army headquarters was overrun by
- anti-Duvalier marchers, agents of the TontonMacoute tried to
- open fire, but they were disarmed by an army tactical battalion.
- Terrified, the agents ripped off their trademark blue denim
- uniforms and tried to escape the mob's wrath. More crowds
- demanded that the military overthrow the dictatorship, and
- rumors started that Baby Doc, his wife and an entourage of 100
- had already fled to France.
- Even after Duvalier had declared a 30-day state of siege and
- the armed forces put on a heavy display of power, the riots
- continued. At an early Mass at the St. Jean Bosco church in a
- poor district of the capital, a soldier shot and wounded the
- priest for no apparent reason. An enraged congregation spilled
- into the street and set off more protests. In others parts of
- town, militiamen fired into the crowds, whle rioters smashed car
- and store windowns, looted shops, and constructed roadblocks
- from tires and burning garbage. By week's end an estimated 26
- people had been killed. Although none of the 14,000 U.S.
- citizens in Haiti were reported injured, the State Department
- advised Americans not to travel there.
- On Saturday, the capital was tense but calm. There were
- reports of demonstrations in Cap Haitien, the second largest
- city, and the Dominican Republic, which lies east of Haiti on
- theisland of Hispaniola, was nervously monitoring the volatile
- situation. While Duvalier was still in Haiti, there were
- serious questions about whether the President-for-Life would be
- President for long.
- The protests that lured thousands of Haitians into the streets
- last week to denounce the government probably represent a point
- of no return for the country. Even if Duvalier's reign has not
- yet ended and he somehow manages to cling to power for a while,
- his viselike grip on Haiti has been irrevocably shattered.
- By John Moody. Reported by Dean Brells/Por-au-Prince and
- Bernard Diederich/Miami.